Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our journey for Philmont started in earnest in January.  Since then, our 24 tired feet have hiked well over a thousand training miles primarily on the trails of Kennesaw Mountain, and the Appalachian Trail.  Our longest trail day as a Crew was 11 miles from Woody Gap south to Horse Gap and then back up to the top of Sasafrass Mountain.  That is one Sassy mountain, and a tough one to finish our 11th mile!  We have endured cold weather, rain, hail, wind, heat, humidity, and pleasant weather alike.  Our crew has learned a LOT about backpacks (some of us have gone through 4 or 5 packs before we found the right one), light weight gear, hiking boots and the importance of boots that are well broke in and that fit correctly (blisters are no fun...).  We have also learned a lot about proper hydration, how to hang bear bags, setting up a fly for backpack storage and protection from the elements if needed, filtering water, map reading, proper pacing as a crew, importance of fitness, and communication to name a few.   As far as the adults go, we have been putting in overtime for our fitness to try and keep up with our Scouts.  We have learned one thing for just cannot replace matter how hard you try. 

We hope you enjoy the rest of our journal and photos.

From atop one of the many peaks we have climbed on the AT
Native Rhododendron in bloom
Native Azalea in bloom

Atop Sasafrass Mountain finally!

Outta water, so filtering to fill everyone's bottles and bladders.

Self explanatory...

Almost as high as the clouds

Atop Blood Mountain looking down on the rest of the mountains!

The  top of Blood Mountain, the highest point on the AT in Georgia!  We started at 3,109' and gained elevation constantly until we reached the top at 4,461'.  We took a well earned break at the 'ol Rock Shelter.  The shelter was built in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps.  Click here for a little more information about Blood Mountain and Neel Gap.
We actually started the hike from the parking lot as opposed to the trail across from the store (we did indeed visit the store though...), which added a little more length and elevation.  We hiked 10.5 miles this day.

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